
  1. Events
  2. Creating / dispatching an event
  3. Responding to an event
  4. Workflow of a request


... an event is an action or occurrence recognised by software that may be handled by the software.


thing that happens or takes place, especially one of importance.

The NZ Pocket Oxford Dictionary

Lots of things happen in an application

Same terminology

jQuery('#eric').click(function (event) {
  console.log('Hello world!');

Same pattern

  • Hooks
  • Actions
  • Rules

Event Dispatcher

The EventDispatcher component provides tools that allow your application components to communicate with each other by dispatching events and listening to them.

Event Dispatcher

Event Dispatcher

Event Dispatcher

Event Dispatcher

Event Dispatcher

Lets build a form

We have a form that collects a name and email.

  • Log the submission
  • Send an email to the user
  • Add the user to our CRM
  • Post to slack
  • Calculate if the user gets prize


public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $name = $form_state->getValue('name');
  $email = $form_state->getValue('email');

  $this->logger('example_form')->notice('Somebody submitted the form...');

Add another thing

public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $name = $form_state->getValue('name');
  $email = $form_state->getValue('email');

  $this->logger('example_form')->notice('Somebody submitted the form....');

  $this->mailer->mail('example', 'example_form', $email, $this->currentUser->getPreferredLangcode(), ['name' => $name]);


Add dependencies for the thing

public function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
  $form = new static();
  return $form;

All behaviours added

public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

  $name = $form_state->getValue('name');
  $email = $form_state->getValue('email');

  $this->logger('example_form')->notice('Somebody submitted the form.');

  $this->mailer->mail('example', 'example_form', $email, $this->currentUser->getPreferredLangcode(), ['name' => $name]);

  $this->crmManager->add($email, ['name' => $name]);

  $this->slack->sendMessage('A new user has submitted your awesome form', 'info');

  $date = new \DateTime('@' . $this->time->getRequestTime();
  if ($date->format('N') === 1 && $date->format('i') === 29) {
    drupal_set_message('Congratulations you are a winner...');


public function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
  $form = new static();
  return $form;


  • Submit method is doing too many things
  • Form class knows too many things
  • Hard to maintain
  • Hard to reuse

Dependency graph

Dependency graph

Lines of communication

Dispatching an event

Designing an event

  • What information are we communicating?
  • Can that information change?
  • Are we collecting any additional information along the way?


final class ExampleModuleEvents {

  /** docBlock */
  const SIGNUP_FORM_SUBMIT = 'module_name.signup_form_submit';

Extend the event class

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;

class SignupFormEvent extends Event {

  protected $submittedName;
  protected $submittedEmail;

  public function __construct($name, $email) {
    $this->submittedName = $name;
    $this->submittedEmail = $email;

  public function getSubmittedName() {
    return $this->submittedName;

  public function getSubmittedEmail() {
    return $this->submittedEmail;

Back to the form

public function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
  $form = new static();
  return $form;

Inject the event dispatcher into the form

public function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
  $form = new static();
  return $form;

Dispatch the event

public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $name = $form_state->getValue('name');
  $email = $form_state->getValue('email');

  $event = new SignupFormEvent($name, $email);

  $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(ExampleModuleEvents::SIGNUP_FORM_SUBMIT, $event);

Subscribing to events


public static function getSubscribedEvents();

Implement EventSubscriberInterface

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class RegistrationMailer implements EventSubscriberInterface {
  protected $mailManager;
  protected $currentUser;

  public function __construct(MailManagerInterface $mailManager, AccountProxyInterface $currentUser) {
    $this->mailManager = $mailManager;
    $this->currentUser = $currentUser;

  public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
    $events = [];
    $events[ExampleModuleEvents::SIGNUP_FORM_SUBMIT][] = ['onRegister'];
    return $events;

  public function onRegister(SignupFormEvent $event) { ... }

Within the subscriber

public function onRegister($event) {
  $module = 'event_demo';
  $key = 'register_interest';
  $to = $event->getSubmittedEmail();
  $params = ['name' => $event->getSubmittedName()];
  $language = $this->currentUser->getPreferredLangcode();
  $this->mailManager->mail($module, $key, $to, $language, $params);


    class: "Drupal\example_crm_module\EventSubscriber\RegistrationMailer"
    arguments: ["@plugin.manager.mail", "@current_user"]
      - { name: event_subscriber }



Any PHP object that performs some sort of "global" task.

Service container

Dependency Injection

Inject dependencies.

Not Dependency Injection:

public function myMethod() {
  $slack = new SlackClient();
  $slack->sendMessage('This is bad.', 'info');

Dependency Injection:

protected $slack;

public function __construct(SlackClientInterface $slack) {
  $this->slack = $slack;

public function myMethod() {
  $this->slack->sendMessage('This is better.', 'info');

Step 1: Configuration

Step 2: Magic

When we want this

arguments: ["@plugin.manager.mail"]

Or this


Step 3: Service Container

Lines of communication

Dependency graph

Why is this good?

  • Single Responsibility Principle
  • Open / Closed
  • Loose Coupling

Why might this be bad?

  • Loose Coupling

Going further with events

  • Priorities
  • Stopping the event flow

Going futher with events

public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
  $events[ExampleModuleEvents::SIGNUP_FORM_SUBMIT][] = ['onRegister'];
  return $events;


public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
  $events[ExampleModuleEvents::SIGNUP_FORM_SUBMIT][] = ['onRegister', 0];
  return $events;


public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
  $events[ExampleModuleEvents::SIGNUP_FORM_SUBMIT][] = ['onRegister', 1000];
  return $events;

Stopping an event

public function onRegister($event) {

Workflow of a typical request

  1. Request recieved
  2. Resolve controller
  3. Resolve controller arguments
  4. Call controller
  5. Response

Workflow of a request

  1. Request recieved
    • kernel.request
  2. Resolve controller
    • kernel.controller
  3. Resolve controller arguments
    • kernel.controller_arguments
  4. Call controller
    • kernel.view
    • kernel.response
  5. Response delivered
    • kernel.terminate
  • kernel.exception


private $kernel;

private $request;

private $requestType;

GetResponseEvent Event

private $response;

public function getResponse()
  return $this->response;

public function setResponse(Response $response)
  $this->response = $response;

Chain of responsibility

Chain of responsibility

Chain of responsibility


  • RedirectLeadingSlashesSubscriber, 1000
  • MaintenanceModeSubscriber, 30


404 pages

  • DefaultExceptionHtmlSubscriber
  • Fast404ExceptionHtmlSubscriber

Fast 404 listener

$request = $event->getRequest();

$config = $this->configFactory->get('system.performance');
$exclude_paths = $config->get('fast_404.exclude_paths');
if ($config->get('fast_404.enabled') && $exclude_paths && !preg_match($exclude_paths, $request->getPathInfo())) {
  $fast_paths = $config->get('fast_404.paths');
  if ($fast_paths && preg_match($fast_paths, $request->getPathInfo())) {
    $fast_404_html = strtr($config->get('fast_404.html'), ['@path' => Html::escape($request->getUri())]);
    $response = new Response($fast_404_html, Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);

Default exception listener

$this->makeSubrequest($event, Url::fromRoute('system.404')->toString(), Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);

